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October 25th, 2016


Contact: Naomi Miller





MANCHESTER – On Tuesday, State Senator Donna Soucy announced the endorsement of EMILY’s List. EMILY’s List supports pro-choice Democratic women candidates and is the nation’s largest resource for women in politics and one of the most successful political action committees in the country.


“Donna Soucy has worked tirelessly to improve the lives of people in Manchester and Litchfield by expanding economic opportunities, protecting access to quality, affordable health care, and finding bipartisan solutions to combat the opioid epidemic,” said EMILY’s List Vice President of Campaigns Lucinda Guinn. “The EMILY’s List community - now more than three million members strong - is honored to support her.”


“I am proud to be endorsed by EMILY’s List,” said Soucy. “I believe that everyone deserves to have an equal opportunity to succeed and that when we empower women to realize their potential, everyone benefits.”



State Senator Donna Soucy Announces EMILY's List Endorsement

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